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how to use the Essiac Tea Preventive serving size

Essiac Tea Preventive Serving Size: The preventive essiac tea serving size is 6 oz. of tea per day, and should be taken in two separate 3-oz. servings. 

Administer the preventive serving for at least 6 months after your test results have returned to normal and/or your symptoms have resolved. Many people choose to continue the preventive serving indefinitely to maintain their good health. Essiac tea is abundant in many minerals and is a healthy part of the daily diet. 

essiac tea preventive serving sizeThe essiac tea preventive serving size can act as an "insurance policy" for your continued good health.

The length of time you should remain on a preventive serving size of essiac will ultimately be your decision. At, our entire staff chooses to stay on essiac just about at all times to maintain our good health, and we encourage our friends and family to do the same. There is no need to take a break from the tea, so it's up to you to decide whether to continue on the maintenance serving size or to stop using essiac you've achieved good health.

Try it and see. Go off essiac if you wish and compare how you feel to when you're on the tea and when you're off. If you feel better when you're on, or you're simply concerned about future health issues, you can stay on the tea forever!

Note: The serving sizes that we're suggesting are measured in ounces of brewed tea.

All servings should be taken on an empty stomach. Essiac was tested on people who had an empty stomach when they took it, and this will ensure maximum absorption of your essiac tea serving. This means you should avoid eating for 2 hours before and 1 hour after taking essiac for best results.

Click here to read testimonials including those from folks on the essiac tea preventive serving size: Essiac Tea Testimonials

are there Any Side Effects from Taking Essiac tea?

The main side effect we've had reported for some people when taking essiac tea preventive serving size is looser than usual stools, or stools at a more frequent rate than usual. This is a good sign that your body is getting rid of what shouldn't be in there. However, if it is too uncomfortable for you, feel free to take less essiac than suggested. You can build your way up to tolerance.

Occasionally people will report unusual symptoms such as headache, feeling tired, feeling stimulated, or experiencing nausea. In most cases, these symptoms pass fairly quickly and are not a long term problem. Our suspicion is that most of the people reporting the issues have these responses as a matter of daily life and it happens to coincide when they start the essiac.

If you are concerned about any symptoms, certainly speak with your medical professional. We just want you to know that there is nothing in essiac that will inherently cause these responses, and if you have them, they should not be severe or long lasting.

essiac tea works

ordering essiac tea preventive serving size

ordering essiac tea preventive

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