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For anyone wishing to improve their health or who is taking essiac for the first time, this is the recommended serving size per rene caisse.

Essiac Tea Aggressive Serving Size (Improvement of Health Serving Size) should be used by people who want to make improvements in their health. 

If you simply want to maintain your health, take a look at our maintanance serving size by clicking here.
essiac tea aggressive serving sizeTake the time to learn how much essiac you should take each day.

Essiac Tea Aggressive serving size/improvement of health serving size Instructions

This is the amount recommended by Rene Caisse based upon her research. Take 9 oz. per day in three separate 3 oz. servings. If you have been given less than six months to live, we suggest you use the aggressive serving plus.

Essiac tea aggressive serving size is the recommended essiac tea regimen if you wish to improve your health.

how long should i take the essiac tea aggressive serving size/improvement of health serving size?

You should remain on the aggressive serving size (improvement of health serving size) program for a minimum of six months, or until your test results return to normal. If your test results have returned to normal, you may reduce your essiac tea to the maintenance serving size of 3 oz. just twice per day. If at any point your symptoms return, we recommend that you return to the aggressive serving size/improvement of health serving size of three 3 oz. servings per day. It's OK to remain on this serving size indefinitely. There is no need to take a break.

essiac tea testimonial

what if i'm still sick after taking Essiac for six months?

If the original condition persists even while you take essiac tea, continue on the aggressive serving size/improvement of health serving size until your condition improves and you're satisfied with the results. Keep in mind that many people would have kept getting worse and worse with no intervention, so sometimes just holding steady with your health (not slipping) is a victory in and of itself. Don't lose hope! Six months is a minimum length of time. 

essiac aggressive serving sizeThe serving size suggestions we provide are the very same that Rene Caisse recommended.

what if i get worse while taking the essiac?

It's not uncommon for people to get worse before they begin to get better, as things take time to turn around. Think about when you take an aspirin because you have a headache. It might take about 30 minutes for the aspirin to kick in. Your headache might get worse for the initial 20 minutes before the aspirin kicked in. That doesn't mean it won't work - it just hadn't started working so that you can feel the difference...yet.

The essiac works on the same idea - just stretched over a longer period of time. The 30 minute length you need to wait for aspirin to kick in is equivalent to the 6 months n the case of essiac. That means you need to wait the 6 months before assuming it didn't work. Most begin experiencing benefit between the 4 1/2 and 6 month mark.

Note: The serving sizes that we're suggesting are measured in ounces of brewed tea.

All servings should be taken on an empty stomach. This will ensure maximum absorption of your essiac tea serving size. This means you should avoid eating for 2 hours before and 1 hour after taking essiac for best results.* 

sample eating schedule

  • Essiac at 6am. 
  • Breakfast at 7am.
  • Snack (if desired) at 10am
  • Lunch at 1pm.
  • Essiac at 3pm.
  • Dinner at 6pm. 
  • Essiac at 8pm.


  • Breakfast at 6am. 
  • Essiac at 8am.
  • Snack (if desired) at 11am. 
  • Lunch at 2pm.
  • Essiac at 4pm. 
  • Dinner at 5pm.
  • Snack (if desired) at 8pm. 
  • Essiac at 10pm.

*If you are currently taking chemotherapy and/or radiation, or you have been given a terminal diagnosis, we recommend the Aggressive PLUS Serving. Click here to view the Essiac Tea Aggressive PLUS serving size recommendations.

Click here to return to the essiac tea serving size recommendations page.

ordering essiac tea for aggressive serving size/improvement of health serving size

Essiac takes just 10 minutes once every two weeks to prepare. It costs less than $1 per day to use!

essiac tea aggressive use

Click here to order our most popular order size for those taking essiac tea aggressive serving size/improvement of health serving size: 3 lb. 4 oz. essiac in THIRTEEN (13) 4 oz. sealed/labeled packets.