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Essiac Tea Aggressive serving Plus: learn how to administer it

this is the serving to take for those who are receiving certain treatments or who have been given a stage 4 diagnosis

Essiac tea aggressive serving plus is recommended for individuals who are currently receiving chemotherapy and/or radiation, or who have been given a terminal diagnosis. Since time is of the essence, a bit of extra essiac is warranted. After using Aggressive Serving Plus for at least six months you may switch to Aggressive Serving/Improvement of Health serving if you like.

essiac aggressive serving plusTake the time to determine if Aggressive Serving PLUS is right for you.

Essiac Tea Aggressive serving PLUS Recommendations:

Essiac can be taken during traditional cancer treatments without interfering with those treatments. If you are currently receiving chemotherapy or radiation, be aware that chemo and radiation can destroy some of the active properties of the essiac tea.* In other words, chemo and radiation can prevent essiac tea from doing its job to some extent. Taking "extra" essiac tea to compensate for this acts as insurance that the essiac you're taking will still be able to do its work in your body. Essiac is known to help with side effects from some of these traditional medical treatments.

aggressive prostate cancer

If you plan to continue along with your chemo and/or radiation, you might consider taking up to 18 oz. of tea per day in three separate 6-oz. servings. Many people on chemo and/or radiation have tried the 18 oz. per day with good results. However, some decide to stay with just 9 oz. per day, and many of those people have also had good results. You'll have to decide if you'd like to experiment with taking the Essiac Tea Aggressive Serving Plus, which is a full 18 oz. per day. This is what we suggest for those who are currently receiving chemo and/or radiation, or who have been given a terminal diagnosis. This is also what Rene Caisse suggested as a result of her research at the Brusch Medical Research Center from the years of 1959 through 1967.

Note: The dosages that we're suggesting are measured in ounces of brewed tea, not in powder.

All servings should be taken on an empty stomach. This will ensure maximum absorption of your essiac tea dosage. For essiac, an empty stomach means you should avoid eating for 2 hours before and 1 hour after taking essiac for best results. 

sample eating schedule

essiac tea terminal diagnosis
  • Essiac at 6am. 
  • Breakfast at 7am.
  • Snack (if desired) at 10am
  • Lunch at 1pm.
  • Essiac at 3pm.
  • Dinner at 6pm. 
  • Essiac at 8pm.

another example:

  • Breakfast at 6am. 
  • Essiac at 8am.
  • Snack (if desired) at 11am. 
  • Lunch at 2pm.
  • Essiac at 4pm. 
  • Dinner at 5pm.
  • Snack (if desired) at 8pm. 
  • Essiac at 10pm.

*If you are NOT on chemo and/or radiation, you may take just the traditional aggressive serving/improvement of health serving. Click here for the Essiac Tea Aggressive Serving/Improvement of Serving Recommendations.

Click here to return to the essiac tea dosage recommendations page.

ordering essiac tea for aggressive serving plus

Essiac takes just 10 minutes once every two weeks to prepare. It costs less than $1 per day to use!

essiac tea aggressive dose plus

Click here to order the amount to give you enough for 6 months of essiac at the Essiac Tea Aggressive Plus Serving