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Dr. Joe Brown's story of recovery from Cancer is super inspiring!
September 02, 2020

September 2, 2020

Greetings! I hope this email finds you well, and that you and your loved ones are able to stay safe and healthy during these crazy times!

This man's story of recovery from cancer after Oncologists gave up on him is truly inspiring

Dr. Joe Brown (before he became a doctor) was let down by the medical system as a young man when he found out he had an aggressive form of cancer. Luckily for him, he was able to find a path via Alternative Treatments and he achieved remission. Read more about his story here, and learn how he may be able to help you as a Naturopathic Physician.

Have you seen the book "The Essiac Report?"

It's a wonderful resource going over the facts about essiac tea. Essiac is a product that is shrouded in myths and misinformation. This resource will put all the myths to bed once and for all. Check it out here.

The Diet and Cancer Connection

While many of our customers (including members of our own family) have achieved good health again while using our essiac tea with no specific diet changes, there is no doubt that a healthy diet is an asset in your corner. However, this too is a place where myths and misconceptions abound. Read the tips that come straight from science here.

Until next time!
Gina and Bryan Paulhus
Discount Essiac Tea
phone: 1-978-504-9517

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