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you have found an affordable source for genuine, organic essiac tea

as seen on ty bollinger's documentary the truth about cancer

Be careful when comparing our Essiac tea prices with companies who sell only a week or two's worth at a time. We sell enough to last you months at a time, which saves you a ton of money.

Our Essiac takes just 10 minutes to prepare once every two weeks. It couldn't be easier! It costs less than $1 per day to use. Read about our Industry-Exclusive Results Guarantee.

➡️ Click Here to Order Essiac Tea

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All Domestic Orders Ship Free! We ship Essiac Tea to every country in the World. You may fill out your address once you select the product you'd like to see shipping options and pricing.

discount essiacDiscount Essiac Tea is your source for genuine, authentic organic Essiac tea - at rock-bottom prices! Our formula is the same one used by Rene Caisse.

Your first concern when ordering Essiac should be whether or not the formula is from a credible source. After all, what is the point of taking Essiac tea if it's not the real deal? Learn more >

are you wondering if essiac tea really works?

Essiac tea can sound too good to be true. Keep in mind, the reason Essiac tea is so popular is, in fact, because it really does work! We even back that up with our 100% Money Back Results Guarantee. The reason you have even heard about Essiac at all is because of how powerful it is. The word gets out! People tell people about good things when they know about them! We don't need to do any online advertising, because word of mouth is spreading the word on it's own. 

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Watch this video by dr. leonel mondragon, explaining all about what essiac tea is and what it can do for you

pancreatic cancer essiac testimonial

here is a hormone receptor-positive breast cancer essiac tea testimonial from a woman who used discount essiac tea

we use the entire sheep sorrel plant - including the root - in our essiac so that you get the authentic product

We include the entire sheep sorrel root in our Essiac tea formula. This means that the sheep sorrel is 20% root - just as Rene Caisse used and recommended. Learn More >

caisse essiacRene Caisse is the Canadian Nurse for whom Essiac is named ("Essiac" is her last name spelled backwards!)

essiac on amazon costs at least four times as much as you'll pay here at discount essiac tea!

Check out the savings when you order through this site rather than on Amazon! And rest assured - we offer Free Priority 2-3 Day Shipping for all domestic orders 10 lb. and under.

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our essiac is tremendously easy to use, make and take

We take protecting your investment in this product very seriously - in fact, it's personal for us.

We have firsthand experience knowing what it's like to spend tens of thousands of dollars in an attempt to save a loved one's life. My husband's twin brother suffered from ALS for many years. He ultimately passed away from the disease.

My husband and I spent all of our savings trying to help him - and unfortunately none of it worked. My brother-in-law's dying wish was that no one who purchased our Essiac endure a financial burden if they did not get the results from this product that they were expecting. We honor that wish by offering our Industry-Exclusive Money-Back Results Guarantee.

The best part is, we don't require that you change your diet, take other supplements, or take medical treatments along with using Essiac. Of course, you may do other things if you like - but we don't require it!

Before finding Essiac, many of our customers used to take so many supplements that it cost them thousands of dollars per month. We find that they are usually able to move away from most - if not all - of those things and just use the Essiac alone!

There is a reason we don't sell anything else - Essiac is quite often all you need. Trust us, if we knew of another product we needed to add to help the Essiac work even better - we would be selling it :) Click here to view our Essiac tea FAQ

watch this video to learn how we are connected with rene caisse and dr. charles brusch

find out more about what this miraculous tea can do!

essiac tea started out as an ojibway herbal remedy

The Ojibway are credited as being the first ones who used Essiac tea. An Ojibway medicine man shared the Essiac formula with a woman who had breast cancer. Rene Caisse met this women while at work as a nurse and learned of the formula. Rene went on to share the formula with other cancer patients. Learn more about the history of Essiac tea and the Ojibway here.

Our Proven Formula comes from Rene Caisse, the women who brought essiac into widespread use

Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brusch spent eight years studying this herbal remedy at the Brusch Medical Research Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Dr. Brusch was President Kennedy's personal physician at the time. Dr. Brusch later became our colleague and he passed the Essiac tea formula along to our family. Always be sure that, when you take Essiac tea, it is a formula with a proven lineage. That's the only way to know you're getting the real thing.

essiacOur Essiac takes just 10 minutes to prepare once every two weeks. It couldn't be easier! It costs less than $1 per day to use.

You'll Love the Results! research by rene caisse uncovered a way to Enhance the Original four herb Essiac Tea Formula

Rene caisse and dr. charles brush researched essiac tea from 1959 to 1967. they found that one essiac formula consistently outperformed all others.

  • This superior formula included the original four Essiac herbs combined with an additional four herbs that maximized the effectiveness when this formula is taken as a tea. That is how this eight herb formula was born! Yes, four herb Essiac can work. But eight herb Essiac works better! Learn more >
  • Today, we carry the exact same formula that Rene Caisse used and endorsed after completing her research on Essiac tea.
  • Four herb companies like to mention that they have Original Essiac. While this claim is true, it's misleading - because "original" isn't always best! Would you rather fly in an original plane, or a modern one? :) The most up-to-date formula that worked better than all others in Rene Caisse's research is the one you want to get, and it's the new and improved eight herb blend. More on this below!
authentic essiacCheck out our proof of authenticity from Dr. Charles Brusch, Rene Caisse's research assistant at the Brusch Medical Research Center in Cambridge, MA.

Essiac tea is a wonderful herbal product that helps support your body's immune system and assists with full body detox. This allows your body to finally resume functioning correctly - just the way nature intended. You see, your body is naturally self-healing when given the right tools!

the truth about companies offering the "original" four herb essiac

  • When a company says they have four herb Essiac which is the "Original Essiac," they are in fact telling that part of the story correctly. However, they are leaving out the part that the four herb formula is an older one that was found to not work as well as the most up-to-date eight herb Essiac formula. 
  • Sure, the four herb formulas do something good for you! Lots of people use them and love them. It's not a bad product. But you are leaving some results on the table by choosing four herb instead of choosing the eight herb Essiac. Why would you settle for anything but the best when it comes to your health?
  • This research is documented in the book The Essiac Report by Richard Thomas, which is a third party resource unattached to any brands or companies. Rene Caisse never intended for anyone to go back to using her four herb formula since it wasn't proven to work as well as the eight herb formula - and this book proves it. Read Now >
  • The reason that many companies sell the four herb formula is because it's the only one that they know. The eight herb formula is proprietary which means that it isn't disclosed to the general public. The reason is, Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brusch feared that the formula would be overpriced by greedy brands. They discussed with us the need to keep the price affordable and to provide free or reduced cost Essiac to those who need it. All you have to do is ask. We have been doing that for over 20 years now.
  • Likewise, Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brusch were adament that we don't put the formula into capsulestea bags or tinctures, since those methods of administration don't work as well. We have abided by that, even though we could surely sell more if we decided to sell out and offer a less effective product. And our tea only takes 10 minutes to prepare once evey two weeks. That makes it pretty convenient.
  • Luckily for you, because we are the largest Essiac distributor in the world we are able to obtain high quality herbs at volume discounts. In turn, we sell Essiac at a price that is lower than you would spend even if you made the formula yourself! Our Essiac costs less than $1 per day to use. 
essiac herbal teaOur Essiac is the only brand that is covered by a Money-Back Guarantee. It's the very same formula Rene Caisse found to work best in her research.

how the paulhus family makes it easy for you to get the very best essiac tea available - affordably

  • Being from the same area, our family was fortunate enough to be introduced to Dr. Charles Brusch through a common friend. As Dr. Brusch grew older he saw our family as the ones who could take over the job of making the eight herb Essiac available to everyone worldwide.
  • Dr. Brusch noticed how, over the years, we had demonstrated our commitment to referring others to Essiac tea and to keeping the price affordable. He chose us to carry on this work because he wanted to avoid passing the formula along to someone who would mark up the price in order to make a higher profit. Learn more About Us >
  • If you purchase Essiac tea from some of the other brands out there, you will be paying hundreds of dollars per month. That simply isn't sustainable for the average person who's going to need to take this product for at least six months. With our company, you will pay less than $30 per month to use genuine, authentic Essiac tea. It's less than a cup of coffee!
essiac teaRene Caisse and Dr. Brusch worked together at the Brusch Medical Center from 1959 through 1967 to discover the superior Essiac formula.

the paulhus family carries on rene caisse and dr. charles brusch's mission

  • When Dr. Charles Brusch reached retirement he passed the formula onto our familyso that we could distribute it to whomever may need it. His wish was that we keep prices as low as possible so that all people could have access to it.
  • It is a tragic thing for Essiac to be out of reach to those in need due to financial concerns - and our company will never allow that to happen. Which brings me once again to...

we give away free essiac (or provide essiac at a reduced cost) to those in need

  • We are so determined to get Essiac to those who need it that we will provide some at a reduced rate or even free of charge if you have a financial need (in most instances for international inqueries you will be responsible to cover the shipping cost). All you have to do is ask. This isn't just a business to us. It's a mission!

our money-back guarantee and our price-match guarantee make it easy for you to give essiac a try today

discount essiac teaEssiac tea helps support the body's immune system and provides full body detox to allow the body to function at it's best - just the way nature intended.
  • At we continue Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brusch's mission of providing the highest quality Essiac tea at everyday low prices and with free domestic shipping for all orders 10 lb. and under. You will be happy to learn that we back our product with our 110% Price-Match Guarantee.
  • Read more about our Money-Back Guarantee on the tea's performance. Are there instances when we need to give someone their money back? Sure. Does it happen often? Not at all!
  • When purchasing a 3 lb. 4 oz. supply, our Essiac tea costs just 99 cents per day when using the Aggressive/Improvement of Health serving - and only 66 cents a day at Maintenance serving! It couldn't be more affordable! If you want even more savings, consider ordering a 4 lb. 0 oz. order in 1 lb. bulk bags, or even a 6 lb. 8 oz. supply which would last one person a year.
  • To give you an idea on how long these orders last, the 3 lb. 4 oz. order will last 6 months at the Aggressive/Improvement of Health serving and just under a year at the Maintenance serving. The herbs keep for 2 years from the date of purchase, so there is no reason not to order in advance if you'd appreciate the savings! If you buy Essiac at the health food store, you typically walk away with a couple of weeks' worth of tea. The fact is, this type of product is much more cost effective to buy in larger quantities on this site. After all, it's recommended to take it for at least six months - why not stock up and keep it affordable for yourself?
  • If you spend any time at all shoping Essiac prices, you will find that our prices are incredibly low! Essiac is commonly sold in health food stores for ten times this price. And don't be fooled - the higher prices don't necessarily mean better quality (see more about the quality of our herbs). You want Essiac with a proven lineage to the correct Rene Caisse formula - that's all that matters! You have no idea how much profit a company is making. Don't pad their bottom line with your dollar.
  • Essiac herbs don't actually cost that much - take our word for it! And our Money-Back Guarantee ensures that there is no way you can be taken advantage of. It's our best way of showing you just how sure we are that we have the absolute best Essiac out there!
  • If you have any questions or concerns at any time, simply call us at 1-978-504-9517. We answer instantly from 9am-9pm ET 7 days per week. You will be able to speak with someone who has worked with Essiac for decades and can help answer your questions. If you prefer, you can contact us via email here. We respond to email within 24 hours Monday through Saturday. You can also connect with us on our Facebook Page.

Order Your own supply of discount essiac tea today

➡️ Click Here to Order Your Suppply of Essiac Tea Today. It's Covered by Our 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

Thank you for stopping by! We are so glad you found your way here. Check out one of the navigation options to continue your exploration of all things Essiac tea! You can also request a Free Essiac Tea Users Guide by clicking here.

From our family to yours,

          Gina and Bryan Paulhus


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essiac tea 101 guide

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Disclaimer: Essiac is not FDA tested and has not been FDA approved as a treatment or cure for any health problem. We do not represent it as such on this site. You must determine whether Essiac is a product you should pursue. We have provided accounts and descriptions that represent the opinions of a variety of experts as well as actual users of Essiac. We believe that our formula is the best that money can buy. However, we do not endorse anything on this site as medical fact.

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