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Essiac for Children: All you need to know to safely provide essiac to a child

Please note: These suggestions on Essiac for children are our personal recommendations based on 14 years of experience in the Essiac Tea business seeing what works best. However, the recommendations are not backed by clinical studies and are greater than the dosages Rene Caisse had used for children. Follow at your own discretion.* 

Go here for essiac tea for infants and babies.

essiac for childrenEssiac is 100% safe to give to kids.

dosage recommendations for children

If your child weighs up to 15 lbs.
START WITH 1/4 ounce (7 mL) of tea twice per day. If tolerated well, WORK UP TO 1/2 ounce twice per day (14 mL). 

If your child weighs 15-35 lbs.
START WITH 1/2 ounce twice per day. If tolerated well, WORK UP TO 1 ounce twice per day. 

If your child weighs 35-55 lbs.
START WITH 1 ounce twice per day. If tolerated well, WORK UP TO 2 ounces twice per day. 

If your child weighs 55-85 lbs.
START WITH 2 ounces twice per day. WORK UP TO 3 ounces twice per day. 

If your child weighs 85 lbs. or more,
START WITH 3 ounces twice per day. WORK UP TO 3 ounces three times per day. 

Although these doses are higher than Rene Caisse's original chart for Essiac dosages for children, we have seen best results in children who had a much larger dose than Rene's recommended doses. The dosages above can still be increased to give your child the best chance of improved health. To have the best hope for good results, increase the dose as much as possible.* 

*One potential problem with using large doses for children is the fact that they can be more susceptible to diarrhea. Due to this reason, the recommendation that a large dose of Essiac be taken must be balanced against the downside of too much diarrhea. If you start out with a conservative dose as noted in the chart and build up the dose if the child shows no sign of a problem, you have a better chance of the child adapting to a higher dose.

Through experimentation, you'll need to find the level of Essiac dosage that works best for the child. The diarrhea, although unpleasant, should not be uncontrollable and is a sign of detoxification. If it happens, it normally dissipates with time. 

Purchasing and Brewing Essiac For Children

essiac tea children
Click here for brewing instructions for brewing essiac tea for children in small batches

Click here to order essiac in smaller 1 oz. packets which usually is the most convenient method when buying essiac for children.

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